spatial iq test

Enhancing Cognitive Abilities: The Power of Spatial IQ Tests

By Windsor Swan


In today's fast-paced and competitive world, cognitive abilities play a crucial role in determining an individual's success. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests have long been used as a standard measure of general intelligence. However, there are specific domains of intelligence that go beyond traditional IQ tests. One such domain is spatial intelligence, which refers to the ability to visualize and manipulate objects in three-dimensional space. In this article, we explore the concept of spatial IQ tests, their importance, and how they can enhance cognitive abilities.

Understanding Spatial Intelligence

What is Spatial Intelligence?

Spatial intelligence, often referred to as visual-spatial intelligence, is the capacity to think and reason about objects in three dimensions. It involves mental visualization, spatial reasoning, and the ability to mentally manipulate shapes and forms. People with high spatial intelligence excel in fields such as architecture, engineering, mathematics, and design.

Why is Spatial Intelligence Important?

Spatial intelligence plays a vital role in various real-life scenarios. It helps individuals to navigate their surroundings effectively, solve complex problems, and visualize objects from different perspectives. Furthermore, spatial intelligence is closely linked to other cognitive abilities, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.

Spatial IQ Tests: Unveiling Your Hidden Potential

What are Spatial IQ Tests?

Spatial IQ tests are specialized assessments designed to measure an individual's spatial intelligence. These tests typically involve tasks that require mental rotation, pattern recognition, visualization, and spatial reasoning abilities. By solving these tasks, individuals can gain insight into their spatial cognitive strengths and weaknesses.

Benefits of Taking a Spatial IQ Test

  1. Self-Discovery: Spatial IQ tests provide individuals with valuable insights into their spatial cognitive abilities. They can identify their strengths and weaknesses in visualizing and manipulating objects in space.
  2. Personal Growth: By understanding one's spatial intelligence, individuals can focus on developing their weaker areas and enhancing their overall cognitive abilities. This self-improvement can positively impact various aspects of life, including academic performance and professional growth.
  3. Career Guidance: Spatial IQ tests can guide individuals towards careers that align with their spatial intelligence. Discovering a strong aptitude for spatial reasoning can lead to pursuing professions in fields like architecture, engineering, interior design, or computer graphics.
  4. Problem-Solving Skills: Spatial IQ tests challenge individuals to think critically, solve puzzles, and manipulate objects mentally. By regularly engaging in spatial problem-solving tasks, individuals can sharpen their problem-solving skills, which are valuable in various domains.

Improving Spatial Intelligence

  1. Practice Visualization: Engage in activities that require visualizing objects or scenarios, such as solving jigsaw puzzles, playing chess, or participating in virtual reality games. Regular practice enhances your ability to visualize and manipulate objects mentally.
  2. Play Strategy Games: Strategy games like chess or video games that involve spatial navigation and problem-solving can improve your spatial intelligence. These games require you to think strategically, plan your moves, and understand the spatial relationships between different game elements.
  3. Explore Spatial Concepts: Learn about geometry, architecture, and design principles. Understanding spatial concepts and exploring their applications can broaden your spatial thinking and reasoning abilities.
  4. Seek Spatial Challenges: Engage in activities that present spatial challenges, such as assembling furniture, solving spatial puzzles, or learning to read maps. These activities force you to think spatially and strengthen your mental rotation skills.


Spatial IQ tests offer a unique opportunity to understand and enhance your spatial intelligence, a vital aspect of cognitive abilities. By uncovering your spatial cognitive strengths and weaknesses, you can focus on developing and refining your skills in visualization, mental rotation, and spatial reasoning. Whether you aim to excel in a specific career or simply want to enhance your problem-solving skills, spatial IQ tests provide valuable insights and guidance. Embrace the power of spatial intelligence and unlock your hidden potential.



Sample: n=220

84 results from “general population” (IQ = 90-100)

136 results from niche segment of population (IQ = 110-120)

Figure Slicing (FS) data is compromised due to change in question order and question point values in middle of data collection period.


The difference between the older data and the newer data is not significant when comparing it to data from the other subtests. Therefore, the two different layers of data are used alongside each other and seem to have little effect on overall results.



Subtest means are almost equal. Slight differences can be easily adjusted with the algorithm IQ = score + X, where we can change X to anything.

Below is the histogram of the overall spatial IQ (SIQ), with the range containing the mean highlighted. Distribution is close to normal, statistical tests of normality were not applied.

Standard deviation (SD) is too high at 18. Test range is roughly 78 IQ – 155 IQ. We are aiming for a standard deviation of around 14, not 15, due to the high floor.

A representative sample was extracted from the data, where the 84 “general pop” results acted as the 68% of results from 85-115 IQ, while 16 results were extracted from the “niche segment of pop”, who acted as the 15% of results above 115 on a normal distribution curve. The standard deviation was lower in this representative sample at 16.3. Still too high.

Since the SIQ takes the average of 3 subtest scores (the best 3), the SIQ SD will always be slightly lower than any of the subtest SDs. The SDs for Figure Slicing and Orientation are fine. Viewpoints and Rapid Rotation need to be fixed.

Test is reliable. Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.78. This should improvement with refinement.

It is not possible to use Cronbach’s on each subtest due to the cutoff feature. It also affects item discrimination, item difficulty etc.

Here is the intercorrelation matrix for the subtests and the SIQ:


Viewpoints has the highest correlation with SIQ. Viewpoints is also is the most complex spatial task, and has the largest sex difference. Viewpoints is likely the strongest subtest in the CASA. These intercorrelations of 0.50 suggest that each subtest measures spatial ability to some degree, but each test offers something unique. They do not all measure the same thing.

I conducted several studies in order to record “normal” data from the general population. The website Prolific was used. Participants were paid a small sum to complete the test, and were incentivized to make serious attempts by receiving bonus payments for higher scores. This allowed me to collect female results, which cannot be obtained from internet forums as females are not interested. There was a consistent male advantage across all subtests as expected. This validates the test, as any measure of spatial ability should have sex differences. It is the largest and maybe the only mental difference between the sexes. The male advantage increases the more complex the task is. Rapid Rotation is the simplest subtest and has the lowest sex difference.



Normal distribution curve.


Orientation questions need to drop in value as the test goes on, since participants become better at answering the questions during the test. They have never come across this style of questions, so by question 10, they have had some practice at it, and generally get much better. The questions are quite similar in nature, and the time limit stays the same throughout the subtest. However, the difficulty increases slightly per question, where there is greater rotation required before calculating the angle.

Since this analysis, the test has been changed:

• Time limit reduced from 30 seconds to 25 seconds for each question

• Question order slightly changed according to item difficulty

• One question (#15) was replaced by a new question

The questions cannot be ordered completely by difficulty, as this makes the test far too monotonous; each question would be only slightly different angle and position to the previous question. Orientation has the lowest standard deviation of all 4 subtests, likely due to the layered scoring system and higher number (7) of distractor answers.

Rapid Rotation:

The standard deviation is 22, with too many people at the extremes. Too many people were able to reach the end or near, and too many people failed in the 1st and 2nd round. However, a SD of 22 is reasonable considering this subtest has by far the lowest cutoff threshold, which is necessary due to the low number (1) of distractor answers per question.


Since this analysis, the test has been changed:

• Round 2 time limit extended from 10 seconds to 12 seconds

• Round 3 time limit reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds

• 3 questions with low difficulty were replaced

• Round 3 structure altered from 15 questions to 17 questions

I briefly looked at the table of questions and could see that #6, #7 and #17 were a bit too easy. These questions also had significantly lower item-total correlations compared to the other questions. They were removed and the question order was very slightly changed. The changes should add bulk to the centre of the histogram and lower the standard deviation.

Figure Slicing:


The Figure Slicing test is different from the other subtests in that the items are quite different from one another, with significant variation in difficulty level and discriminating effects. As such, it is crucial to get the order correct. The subtest must be ordered by difficulty due to the cutoff feature, if question #18 is as easy as #6, for example, it will slightly inflate the scores of those who reach question #18.

As mentioned, the question order was changed halfway through the data collection period. This would have affected results, but the effects are not easy to detect, nor are they significant enough to doubt any of the conclusions drawn from the data.

Item discrimination analysis was performed. Item discrimination is difficult to measure, again due to the cutoff feature. It tends to increase toward the end of the subtest as the threshold is reached by a higher proportion of participants the further the subtest goes.

Therefore, to determine which items had poor discrimination ability, they were compared to the trend line of the subtest.


We can see that questions #5, #7, #13 and #18 are poor discriminators compared to the average. In contrast, questions #2, #3, #8 and #9 were good discriminators compared to the average. Although there were 25 questions in the subtest, the item discrimination is not reliable for the last 5 questions since so few even get to respond.

Since this analysis, the test has been changed:

• Question order changed (again)

• 4 questions were removed

The questions cannot be ordered completely by difficulty, since the value of some questions comes from their position in the test. The test now features 21 questions instead of 25. The four questions that were removed are shown below.



This subtest displays the highest initial SD at 26. Too many participants hit the floor and the ceiling. After observation of multiple participants during testing, it seems there is a lack of conceptual understanding of the task by some. Among those who do understand, too many reach the end. The histogram looks like this:


It is clear that the test has some issues, especially at the extremities. Since this analysis, the test has been changed:

• Round 1 time limit reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds

• Round 2 time limit reduced from 20 seconds to 12 seconds

• Round 3 time limit reduced from 10 seconds to 7 seconds

• Round 1 structure changed from 4 questions to 5 questions

• Round 2 structure changed from 12 questions to 10 questions

• Round 3 structure changed from 18 questions to 17 questions

• Cutoff threshold increased by 1

• Animated instructions added to increase understanding

• 2 questions with low difficulty were replaced

• Questions order slightly changed

The subtest structure now mimics that of Rapid Rotation, with a different time limit in round 3 (7 seconds instead of 4). The only other difference is the cutoff threshold which is much higher in Viewpoints.

In the test instructions, there are two practice questions, each with a subsequent animation showing the perspective revolving around the cube. There should now be a much clearer understanding of what the question is asking, as well as the mental visualisations and movements necessary to answer the questions.

The changes made should all have the effect of bulking up the center of the histogram, although the left edge will still be bulky given the complexity of the task and the reasonably high floor. The SD is expected to drop from 26 to around 20.


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